When he [Judas] was gone, Jesus said, "Now is the Son of Man glorified and God is glorified in him.” John 13:31
In the powerful old hymn "Beneath the Cross of Jesus," we sing “my glory all the cross." That was genuinely true of Jesus. While other human leaders try to find glory in all sorts of ways, Jesus' path to glory was the cross, because he was not after acclaim, but wanted to obey and glorify the Father! When Judas left the Last Supper, the final stages of the process was set in motion that would bring Jesus to the horrors of Calvary. But rather than seeing the cross as his degradation, it was his way of glorifying God. Be Blessed Today, The Cross is a picture of violence, yet the key to peace, a picture of suffering, yet the key to healing, a picture of death, yet the key to life.
“All things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.” Matthew 21:22
If we will only believe and ask, a full measure of God’s grace and peace is available to any of us. By the prevailing mercy of God we can find purpose in the scattering and sadness of our lives. We cannot only deal with suffering but rejoice through it. Though our pain and our disappointment and the details of our suffering may differ, there is an abundance of God’s grace and peace available to each one of us. “Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You preserve my life. The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me; Your love, O Lord, endures forever – do not abandon the works of Your hands.” Psalm 138:7-8
We might sometimes feel God has abandoned us when we needed Him the most. Through faith we need to hold fast to what we know is true about God, even when we cannot see any results. Although we are inclined to plan our whole course through life, we can confess, together with David, “The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me!” Me, Lord, Me!! In the times of his worst trial, David still trusted God to protect him! Hallelujah!!! Thank you Father God for your hedge of protection every day and every night! Let’s be assured the Lord will never neglect the work of His hands, even in the darkest times. Together let’s remember God is faithful and we can never drift far away from the sphere of His love! In His Love, Do All You Can, While You Can, As Long As You Can, To All You Can….Have a Beautifully Blessed Day! “I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined to me and heard my cry.” Psalm 40:1
Is there something you are waiting for, something you are trusting God to do, to perform, to fulfill, and He hasn’t done it yet? You are probably waiting longer than you thought you would have to wait. But that doesn’t mean God’s provision is canceled; it just means His promise is delayed. Our timetable is different from His, and on occasion He will say, “Wait.” He’s building our character through the process of waiting. “Do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you.” Genesis 45:5
It is sometimes difficult to understand God is fulfilling His plan in our life, especially when times are tough. When Joseph was sold into slavery, he probably struggled to discern God’s will. Many years later he recognized God had been with him through it All! God determines the pattern of our lives. In our present circumstances hold on to the assurance of God! He is busy working out His perfect plan for our lives. Life’s darkest moments can become a testimony of God’s perfect purpose for our life! In His Love, Do All You Can, While You Can, As Long As You Can, To All You Can….Have a Beautifully Blessed Day! “God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light.” Genesis 1:3
When we look back along the road we have traveled, we tend to focus only on the negative things. This is not the way of looking at life. The prayer of our heart every day should be, “Lead me, O Light of the world.” Jesus Christ is the Light of the world! He promised those who follow Him would never walk in darkness. Let’s take His hand in faith and experience Him as the Light of our Life! In His Love, Do All You Can, While You Can, As Long As You Can, To All You Can….Have a Beautifully Blessed Day! "I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you.” Jeremiah 31:3
We get in a hurry when we don't wait on the Lord. We jump ahead and do rash things. We shoot from the hip; we run off at the mouth, and say and do things we later regret. When we wait on the Lord, He gets full control of our spirit. At such moments we're like a glove, and His hand is moving us wherever He pleases. In His Love, Do All You Can, While You Can, As Long As You Can, To All You Can….Have a Beautifully Blessed Day! “The eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous, and His ears attend to their prayer.” 1 Peter 3:12
God misses nothing He’s looking out for us. He’s listening to our prayers and is completely aware of the evil that is happening to us. Don’t ever think He has missed the evil. He sees, and He remembers. He may be long suffering, but He doesn’t compromise His justice. Not only is His eye on the righteous; His face is against evil. Ultimately, good will overcome evil. In the end, God wins. “He who pursues righteousness and loyalty finds life, righteousness and honor.” Proverbs 21:21
One of the marks of a truly mature life is humility of spirit. A truly humble person looks for opportunities to give himself freely to others rather than holding back, to release rather than hoarding, to build up rather than tearing down, to serve rather than being served, to learn from others rather than clamoring for the teaching stand. How blessed are those who learn this early in life. |
Pastor Derrick RichardsonPastor of Community Abundant Life Church Archives
January 2025
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