You have rescued me from all my troubles, and I have seen my enemies defeated.” Psalm 54:7
As David and his weary men fled from King Saul’s relentless forces, they came to the Desert of Ziph, hoping they could hide and get some rest. Unfortunately, the people there were Saul’s allies, and they divulged David’s covert location. Saul’s soldiers closed in on David and all seemed lost. Whenever difficulties close in on you, and you feel defenseless, drained, and discouraged. Understand that God showed Himself stronger than Saul’s army, and they were forced to abandon their pursuit of David. No matter your problems, they’re never as mighty as God! Trust and obey Him! You will see your troubles defeated! Live in Your God-given Blessings Today! “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12
In our everyday life, the opportunities for prayer become incalculable. We send up brief prayers for those who seem to be tired or disillusioned or pray thoughts of joy with those who are joyful. We need never be at a loss for things to pray for, provided we pray in every situation of life! By broadening our devotional base, our devotional times with God become more profound. While praying for others, we are strengthening our ties with Christ! In His Love, Do All You Can, While You Can, As Long As You Can, To All You Can….Have a Beautifully Blessed Day! “Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight, so that you may be justified in your words and blameless in your judgment.” Psalm 51:4
One of the most difficult aspects of having a relationship with God is realizing that He knows what’s best for you. You need to admit to God that you’re struggling with your situation, and then He will start the process of healing you. God will unearth the causes of your troubles and restore you! He’ll make you feel clean and new! He’s always right! You’ll be glad you embraced the healing that sets you free! “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8
Sometimes the most profound truths are very simple. The power to reach the world for Christ involves God’s might through the Holy Spirit. He will enable us to be effective in sharing our faith and motivate us to reach our city, our region and our world with the Gospel of truth! God’s plan of beginning where we are and reaching out with our willingness to tell others what has been done for us in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. In His Love, Do All You Can, While You Can, As Long As You Can, To All You Can….Have a Beautifully Blessed Day! “So then, we must pursue what promotes peace and what builds up one another.” Romans 14:19 HCSB
Life is a team sport, and all of us need occasional pats on the back from our teammates. Paul writes in Ephesians, “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen” (4:29 NIV). Paul reminds us that when we choose our words carefully, we can have a powerful impact on those around us. Since we don’t always know who needs our help, the best strategy is to encourage all the people who cross our paths. Be a source of encouragement to everyone you meet as never has the need been greater. “Pray continually.” 1 Thessalonians 5:17
For many of us it’s difficult to create a pattern of prayer in our life. It’s even more difficult to cultivate a sustained prayer life! The motive behind sustained prayer is to listen to God and to be sensitive to His guidance through the Holy Spirit. In the quiet of our deepest being we will feel His presence! Regardless of where we find ourselves, or what we busy ourselves with. We can lift our heart to God for a single moment and in a fleeting thought! In doing this, we experience the reality of Gods’ presence with us in our praying. Shhhh…be still and hear the voice of God! In His Love, Do All You Can, While You Can, As Long As You Can, To All You Can….Have a Beautifully Blessed Day! “Be still, and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10
We fill our world with noise, if not the television or radio, it’s activities or our own thoughts. We expect to hear God through the turmoil, but are we really listening to Him? When our world is in an uproar, our best plan is to step away from the commotion and listen to Him. He speaks words of peace to our soul and strength to our life. Take a few minutes to seek Him in the quietness. Stand in His presence and know God is with you. His voice is the best sound you will hear all day! “None of us lives to himself alone.” Romans 14:7
We always find time to do things we want to do, but are quick to find excuses for not doing the things we don’t want to do! Huh!! This happens in our spiritual lives also! If we are making excuses why we can’t pray or spend time with God, let’s ask ourselves why are we making excuses? Why is our prayer life without power? Why has our faith become a burden instead of an inspiration of hope and faith? Do we say, “Ouch! Me, Lord, me!” These situations happens when we no longer call out to God in prayer! And when we express our personal desires and not the praise and adoration to our Savior! True prayer broadens our spiritual and intellectual horizons and makes our relationship with the Savior more profound! Remember, it’s not about us, it’s ALL about God the Father! No prayer, no power! Little prayer, little power! Much prayer, much power, in the name of Jesus! In His Love, Do All You Can, While You Can, As Long As You Can, To All You Can….Have a Beautifully Blessed Day! Send out your light and your truth; let them guide me. Let them lead me to your holy mountain, to the place where you live.” Psalm 43:3
It isn’t about coming up with ways to serve God, what pleases Him is that you obey Him. He doesn’t want a relationship with you based on regulations; rather, He expects its foundation to be love. God would rather have a healthy, authentic relationship with you than watch you observe some sacred ritual. His way is higher than mere religion, so follow Him. He’ll teach you to really love Him. “Lord, teach us to pray.” Luke 11:1
Most Christians are aware of their inability to pray according to the will of God. Christ sacrificed Himself for us and gave Himself freely, but He will enrich your life only as far as you allow Him to. The depth and quality of our devotion to Him will be reflected in the strength of our prayer life. It doesn’t mean a thing to ask God for a meaningful and positive prayer life unless we do our share to develop it! In His Love, Do All You Can, While You Can, As Long As You Can, To All You Can….Have a Beautifully Blessed Day! |
Pastor Derrick RichardsonPastor of Community Abundant Life Church Archives
January 2025
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