"From the rising of the sun to its setting the name of the Lord is to be praised.” Psalm 113:3
The Lord is our God. He doesn't bow to our hurried pace, but in silence He waits for us to meet His commands. Once we slow down enough to meet Him, He is pleased to add incredible spiritual depth to our shallow lives. In His Love, Do All You Can, While You Can, As Long As You Can, To All You Can….Have a Beautifully Blessed Day! [Jesus said] "The one who received the seed that fell among the thorns is the man who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke it, making it unfruitful." Matthew 13:22
All sorts of things can distract us from Kingdom matters. The wear and tear of everyday life can make it hard to keep our spiritual focus. In an affluent society, our desire for riches, our pursuit of material things, and our selfishness with wealth can entangle us in worry. Worry can stifle our faith. Eventually the fruitfulness of the Gospel is choked out and we lose our spiritual vitality. Our greatest riches are found in Jesus. If He is our priceless treasure and the Kingdom is our highest priority, only then we can handle the other things which He brings our way. In His Love, Do All You Can, While You Can, As Long As You Can, To All You Can….Have a Beautifully Blessed Day! God knows very well that His thoughts and ways infinitely surpass our own. He is mindful that He created us as finite beings out of a few pounds of garden soil. He understand that. He knows how to work with those limited in comprehension and frail of frame.
My question is why don't we understand it? Why do we expect perfection of ourselves and of our associates when God doesn’t? In His Love, Do All You Can, While You Can, As Long As You Can, To All You Can….Have a Beautifully Blessed Day! “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” Romans 8:18
Is it worth it? Oh yes! It's more than worth it. We can't begin to imagine the glory God has in store for us. No matter how hard, bad, or painful our trip through this world may be, our future with God holds something incomparably better. Does that mean our difficulties are meaningless or insignificant? Absolutely not! But our future glory with God does mean that it is more than worth it to hang in, to be faithful, and to receive His glorious reward! In His Love, Do All You Can, While You Can, As Long As You Can, To All You Can….Have a Beautifully Blessed Day! “O Israel, put your hope in the Lord, for with the Lord is unfailing love and with him is full redemption.” Psalm 130:7
What do we have here on earth that is unfailing and inexhaustible? Nothing!......except God’s unfailing love! Even when we disappoint, hurt, offend, or rebel against Him, He still loves us. Whiles we were sinners He sent His son, Jesus Christ, to redeem us from sin and the penalty of death! Why trust anything or anyone else with our future? Let’s lean on God’s unfailing love!! It’s not about US, it’s All about God! “The firm foundation of God stands, having this seal, 'The Lord knows those who are His.'" 2 Timothy 2:19
As never before in this generation, have we realized, we are dependent upon God for protection and strength! Though the mountains quake, though bridges fall, though lives will be lost, though war threatens to invade, though there may be enemies in our midst, we will not fear! Our resolve is firm because our refuge is based on the eternal foundation of the living God! In His Love, Do All You Can, While You Can, As Long As You Can, To All You Can….Have a Beautifully Blessed Day! “There is forgiveness with You, that You may be feared.” Psalm 130:4
It seems like a paradox: God loves us and forgives our sins, but we are still supposed to fear Him. Though fear and forgiveness seem like contradictory concepts, they actually go hand-in-hand. Godly fear is not terror; it’s reverence. When we truly respect God, we honor His commands. We also acknowledge when we violate His law; because we want to maintain a good relationship with Him. Out of reverence to God, we confess our sins; out of love, He heals and pardons us. Ultimately, fear and forgiveness teach us the love of the Lord, and it is a very good thing. Live in Your God-given Blessings Today! |
Pastor Derrick RichardsonPastor of Community Abundant Life Church Archives
January 2025
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